This week Footnote Press launches a unique marketing campaign designed to support and celebrate the publication of Hannah Silva’s memoir My Child, the Algorithm.
Created in consultation with the author, the programme, titled My Algorithm: GPT queered, enables readers to generate poetic texts in the style of Silva’s new book, emulating her experience in the memoir where she uses the algorithm to explore her own life as a queer single parent. Now, readers can use My Algorithm to uncover insights into their own experiences, in a more surreal, surprising and queerer version of GPT than seen so far.
Footnote Press marketing director Sujoy Roy said: ‘One of the reasons we launched Footnote was to challenge traditional publishing boundaries. My Algorithm: GPT queered demonstrates how machine learning can be used in fun, collaborative ways to bring the reader closer to the author’s work and reach new audiences.’
Author Hannah Silva said: ‘I believe that GPT algorithms will prompt a creative revolution that ultimately re-values writing, creativity and even thought itself. Algorithms do not plagiarise us, they digest us, just as we digest the words of each other. Creatives and writers need to get involved so that our future with AI is queerer and more diverse. We do not need algorithms to replicate us. But I hope they change us, because humans need to change. To quote ‘my algorithm’: “The human mind is perfect. They are perfect machines. There is no algorithm for a human”.’
Described by the publisher as a ‘genre-fluid memoir that questions what it is to write, to parent and to love’ and subtitled ‘an alternatively intelligent book of love’, My Child, the Algorithm is a living exploration of undoing and redoing love and parenthood through conversations between the author, her toddler and an algorithm, as they chart an unusual journey into language and the articulation of love, self and authorship.
My Algorithm: GPT queered makes use of OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 davinci model, and was trained on the full text of My Child, the Algorithm. It can be accessed either on the Footnote website at, or by sending prompts to the automated Social Bot, @FootnoteBot on Twitter.
On 10 August 2023, author Hannah Silva will select one AI response from online tweets using the hashtag #MyChildTheAlgorithm to win a signed copy of her book and a 12-month National Art Pass membership.